Increase Sales | Sales Training Case Study | Wilson Learning Worldwide
Développement Commercial

Une entreprise chimique internationale accroît ses ventes de 17 millions (€11,6M)

Global Chemical Company Increases Sales by $12.8 Million USD

Business Issue:

Recognizing the limitations inherent in their traditional way of selling, a global chemical company was determined to transform their sales organization into a salesforce able to consult with clients and add value beyond the products.


Modeling Wilson Learning's consultative selling process and versatile selling skills, our sales representative demonstrated how effective the approach would be for their salesforce. The content was delivered in a series of intensive workshops aimed at helping salespeople develop consultative selling skills, while establishing a common sales language and process for increasing sales and margins. Wilson Learning customized all materials to reflect their actual environment and enabled learners to easily link training to on-the-job application.


The sales culture was transformed from a product features and benefits sale to a highly effective, consultative selling strategy for increasing volume at higher margins. Sales revenue of $12.8 million USD was attributed to the new consultative selling approach that enabled their salespeople to position themselves as trusted advisors. The comprehensive curriculum, supported by Wilson Learning's extended learning system, helped this global chemical company grow their market share from 7% to 10% in one year.

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