Gain access by prospecting with the right message to the right person | Sales blog | Wilson Learning Worldwide


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Filling Your Pipeline with the Right Kinds of Prospects

Part 3 of 3: Right Message, Right Person (2018年2月1日)

By David Yesford

In Part 2, we talked about increasing the quality of the prospects you choose to access. The research you did to find the good prospects will serve you as you move to the access stage. At this point, you have identified Strong Suspect companies that are likely “good for you.” You have also identified Good Prospect companies by determining that you are likely “good for them.” The work you have done in the first two steps clearly informs what you can do next.

The third part of making your prospecting effort more effective involves access. The key to gaining effective access is to present the right message to the right person. The right message offers information that is meaningful and relevant to the prospect. The right person is an individual who can guide you into the organization. There must be a strong connection between the person and the message.

Here’s how it might work for you . . .

Right Message

The first access messages are about capturing the attention of the right person through specific topics that are of interest to him or her. Your message must address or highlight a specific issue that is important to the prospect at the point in time he or she receives your message. Readiness is key and multiple messages are critical for an effective access effort that considers both the person and his or her issue.

Right Person

One approach to finding the right person is to consider the organizational hierarchy and the issues that are relevant and of interest to the various levels. An individual’s position in the organizational hierarchy can help you determine the most compelling access message.

Reflecting on your offering’s value, who in an organization might be receptive? Consider hierarchy and function. A good call point might be a person who:

  • Finds the greatest usage value in what you have to offer
  • Controls the budget or has buying authority
  • Has access to the people above

Customers buy for their own reasons, not yours. An effective access message must speak to a significant customer issue—to their reasons! Without that connection, an access message is just another sales pitch.

Armed with the business connection and the right person, follow this simple approach to create an effective access message:

  • Explain who you are and why you are making contact
  • Include a statement that links to an important prospect issue
  • Promise to help, linking the prospect’s issues with your value proposition
  • Propose a way for the prospect to explore the issue in greater depth with you

Don’t limit yourself to one medium (call, voice mail, email); recognize that the above approach should be followed using a variety of modes.

Remember, it takes an average of eight attempts to reach a prospect. Yet, the average salesperson only makes two cold call attempts. Make your access messages count.

 文章: 3 Winning Strategies for Prospecting: Right Prospects, Right Message, Right Attitude
 博客: Filling Your Pipeline with the Right Kinds of Prospects: Part 1 of 3: Target the Right Suspects
 博客: Filling Your Pipeline with the Right Kinds of Prospects: Part 2 of 3: Convert Your Strong Suspects to Good Prospects
 type_Product: 成功开拓客户的技巧 (Counselor Prospecting)
David Yesford

David Yesford

David Yesford担任Wilson Learning全球高级副总裁,在制定和实施人力绩效解决方案领域拥有超过27年的经验。他为客户在战略方向和全球化视角方面带来了宝贵的经验。David曾参与销售及领导、在线学习和战略咨询领域的核心内容设计。David目前也是Wilson Learning全球执行委员会的成员。他曾担任中国和印度的总经理职务。他是多本书的特约作者,包括《双赢销售》,《灵活应变销售》,《社交风格手册》和《销售培训图书2》。David是一个活跃的全球演讲者,并在美国、欧洲、拉丁美洲和亚太地区的商业刊物发表了大量的文章。

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