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Virtual Leadership

Leading by Remote Control (2011年7月8日)

We posted a blog in 2009 titled Leading by Remote Control in which we discussed the challenges of leading a remote team. Several readers commented that they found the title troublesome since it conjured up images of a leader controlling others or purposely pushing others’ buttons. These critiques had good merit. After all, engagement research tells us that employees don’t want to be controlled. And clinical psychology research tells us we all have buttons, yet none of us wants them to be pushed by others. With all of this criticism, does the Leading by Remote Control title have any legitimacy?

I say yes, for two reasons. Remote controls:

  1. Only work when focused on the TV’s sensor
  2. Stop working after a while, unless you replace or recharge the batteries

Here’s how this relates to effectively leading from a distance. First, even when the signals are calibrated, for most models, the remote must be physically focused on what’s important to the TV, the sensor. The same is true with leaders. They have to focus their influencing efforts on what’s important to the virtual team, including the kinds of recognition each member values and the behavioral styles preferred for feedback and direction. When the remote is focused on the person holding the remote, it almost never makes a connection with the TV and almost never successfully influences the TV to change. So when your remote team stops responding or performing in the manner you wish, ask yourself, “Am I focused on my team, or focused too much on what’s important to me?”

Second, just as remote controls stop working when their batteries are depleted, leaders sometimes become less effective at influencing virtual teams. When this happens, it is often because the leader has neglected self-care, and professional burnout shows up in the form of unnecessary edginess, impatience, or poor listening. Don’t lose hope! Just like batteries, a leader’s energy can be recharged. Here are some ways I recharge myself: Fast-paced 10-minute walk around the building; in bad weather, a brisk climb up and down the stairs; hot cup of tea; cold glass of ice water; a break to look at family photos from a favorite vacation; or searching Twitter for an article or video on a positive topic such as innovation or empathy. I always feel more energetic and better equipped for team-focused listening and influencing after one of these re-energizers.

What are your thoughts? In 2011 are there any legitimate analogies between TV remote controls and leaders coaching remote teams? Do you find you are sometimes more focused on yourself than on your team? Do your batteries need to be recharged so you will have the energy to listen with great attention? Share your thoughts so others can learn from your experiences.

Carl Eidson

Carl Eidson

Carl Eidson博士,Wilson Learning业务发展和经销商网络的副总裁。他领导和辅导着一个由100多家独立分销商组成的虚拟团队,从多伦多延伸到布宜诺斯艾利斯。为了远程影响结果,他利用创新的通信技术和虚拟领导技能为销售能力发展、营销活动和以客户为中心的推广活动创建系统。他拥有工业和组织心理学博士学位,并在《应用心理学杂志》、《绩效表现》、《国际挑选与评估杂志》、《商业与心理学杂志》等学术期刊上发表过关于选拔顶尖人才的论文。他经常在专业会议上发表关于绩效改善的研究和实践的演讲。

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