セリング トゥ バリュー ポストコロナ時代の営業活動を支える新基準 (e-Book)
営業担当者は、オポチュニティごとの価値を判断できていますか?多くの組織が変革を余儀なくされたこの年は、お客様の価値観も変化していることでしょう。この新しい環境でどう差別化するか、e-bookをダウンロードしてご活用ください。 詳しくはこちらへ
セールスコーチングのABC: チームのパフォーマンスを向上させる極意
最高のセールスパフォーマンスのための3つの戦略: “再生可能”な競争優位性を生み出すには (Point of View Paper)
従来、企業は新たな製品・サービスを発売すれば、長期的な優位性を得ることができ、潤沢な資金と大量生産で、市場を独占できました。高いブランド知名度とグローバルな存在感があれば、市場を獲得できました。今日、企業がこうした要素により、市場で一時的に優位に立つことはあるかもしれませんが、同時にこれだけでは競争上不利になる可能性もあります。今や、競争優位性を維持していくためには、新しい製品を開発するだけでは不十分なのです。 詳しくはこちらへ
3 Keys to Effective Virtual Delivery (Infographic): A Salesperson’s Guide to Better Engage Customers During Virtual Solution Presentations
To be successful today, salespeople need to engage customers in the solution they are offering, whether presenting virtually or face-to-face. Getting and keeping a customer engaged over a virtual meeting platform, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, can be challenging—the last thing a salesperson wants to see is customers glancing at their phones, multitasking, or checking out completely. Salespeople need to understand how to capture the audience’s attention and engage them in action. 詳しくはこちらへ
3 Virtual Selling Myths Debunked (Infographic): The Reality Behind Common Misconceptions in Today’s Virtual Selling Environment
As salespeople struggle to access and engage customers in this new environment, the topic of virtual selling has understandably received a lot of attention. Check out the infographic below to discover the realities behind the common myths of virtual selling that we’ve heard from our customers. 詳しくはこちらへ
3 Vital Strategies to Protect Your Customer Base: How to Retain Your Most Profitable Accounts
Sellers as well as buyers are taking stock of priorities as the economy continues to show weakness across most industries. As a result, most sales organizations are pursuing new business—which often means taking advantage of competitors' complacency or mistakes in providing service to customers. 詳しくはこちらへ
3 Winning Strategies for Prospecting: Right Prospects, Right Message, Right Attitude
If your organization is like a lot of sales organizations, you may have intensified prospecting efforts lately as old customers downsized, cut spending, and in some cases, switched to other suppliers. The problem is that prospecting is often time-consuming, costly, wasteful, and hard on the morale of the sales team. 詳しくはこちらへ
Aligning the Selling and Buying Processes: A Consultative Selling Approach
If you think your salespeople can control the way buyers buy — think again. The old adage that "people love to buy, but hate to be sold" has changed to "people know how to buy, and won't be sold to." But, that doesn't mean it's time to fire your salesforce. With a little insight into today's buying process, salespeople can understand how customers buy and dramatically increase their sales results. 詳しくはこちらへ
Balancing the Consultant and Strategist Roles: Managing the 4 Sides of Sales is Key to Highly Effective Selling Skills
There was a time when a salesperson could fulfill a unified role as a vendor, trusted advisor, and challenger. But today's hypercompetitive market requires the salesperson to play two distinct yet complementary roles—that of Consultant to the customer and Strategist to both the customer and his or her own organization. 詳しくはこちらへ
Boost Your Personal Power by Challenging the Way You Think
Personal power is the single biggest “make-or-break” factor in human performance—the factor that ultimately determines success. Beliefs are the fuel of our behavior, and there are four common beliefs that cause most of our negative feelings. In this article, we'll explore how to challenge these beliefs in order to unleash personal power. 詳しくはこちらへ