お客さま事例紹介: ベーシックスキル | Wilson Learning Worldwide

お客さま事例紹介: ベーシックスキル

Global Manufacturing Company Develops Their People to Lead and Motivate Employees through Major Change Initiative

Global Manufacturing Company Develops Their People to Lead and Motivate Employees through Major Change Initiative

A global manufacturing organisation with 20,000 employees worldwide and offices in over 80 countries wanted to effect real cultural change within it Australian and New Zealand operations as the re-engineered the organisation and positioned it for growth.

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Global Air Fleet Operator Improves Operating Efficiency by 56%
Global Air Fleet Operator Improves Operating Efficiency by 56%

Management of a global air fleet operator understood that in order to achieve their continuous improvement goal, they needed to clearly communicate their change vision to the workforce. 詳しくはこちらへ

National Insurer Boosts Productivity 11%
National Insurer Boosts Productivity 11%

A national insurer planned to implement a learning initiative in order to increase collaboration and productivity among their workforce. 詳しくはこちらへ