Подход лидера
Вызовы для лидера
- Формирование видения, цели и лидерских качеств
- Подготовка новых лидеров и высоко потенциальных сотрудников
- Как найти равновесие между лидерством и менеджментом
- Развите коммуникативной универсальности и навыков управления конфликтами
- Как добиться вовлеченности сотрудников
- Коучинг и мотивация сотрудников
- управление изменениями
- Делегирование и постановка командных иличных целей
- Навыки влияния и переговоров
- Становление сотрудничества
- Стимулирование инноваций и творчества
- Содействие кросс-культурный эффективности
- Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат
Учебные услуги
Результаты клиентов
Delegating and Setting Team and Individual Goals
A critical responsibility of managers is setting goals and providing a framework that focuses desired performance with what fulfils individuals and teams. For goal setting to be effective, you need the right processes, best practice for linking goals to strategy execution and an understanding of how to gain support and commitment to goals.
Coaching for Performance
Leading for Performance: Coaching for Performance offers first-line and mid-level managers coaching skills and techniques to create the conditions under which employees can succeed. This programme will enable organisations to gain a competitive advantage using an effective, structural coaching approach that taps employees' potential and leads to improved performance and fulfilment. Узнать больше
Delegating with Confidence
In Leading for Performance: Delegating with Confidence, managers explore the challenges of delegating and the conditions under which delegation is most effective. They learn a simple, proven delegation process and related skills and tools. Managers learn to effectively entrust others with tasks, while maintaining ultimate responsibility for the outcome. Узнать больше
The Leader Manager: Achieving Performance with Fulfilment
The Leader Manager: Achieving Performance with Fulfilment provides leaders with the framework and skills to enable the work unit to achieve Performance with Fulfilment—the combination of high performance and high satisfaction from meaningful work done well. Leaders learn to support their work units in terms of Five Practices to provide what their people need. Узнать больше
Leading for Growth™
Leading for Growth™ challenges managers to re-think their role as leaders, shifting their mindset from that of "heroic manager" to "growth leader." The programme is structured on the core dimensions of growth leadership: building a collaborative culture, creating a shared vision and adopting mutual influence. Узнать больше
Setting Goals for Success
In Leading for Performance: Setting Goals for Success, participants examine the characteristics of effective goals, the need for goals to address both performance and fulfilment, best practices for linking goals to strategy execution and proven goal-setting processes. Узнать больше