Strategic Business Consulting | Special Program for HR and L&D | Wilson Learning Worldwide Strategic Business Consulting | Special Program for HR and L&D | Wilson Learning Worldwide

The Counsellor Salesperson – Turn “Customer Needs” into “Sales”

14-15 November | Sydney

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Program Overview

When the competition is stiff, sales professionals must be able to quickly discover and respond to customer's business needs priorities and interests better than competition. This begins with a consultative selling approach-working closely with customers to solve real business problems.

The Counsellor Salesperson (CSP) uses a four-step consultative selling process that helps salespeople transition from simply making transactions to solving real business problems. CSP focuses on adopting a Counsellor Mindset—a mindset that builds profitable, long-term customer relationships.

Salespeople who follow The Counsellor Approach can:

  1. Understand a win-win approach to selling that emphasises problem solving from the customer's point of view.
  2. Understand how to quickly and efficiently win buyer's trust by demonstrating credibility and communicating empathy.
  3. Understand the buyer’s point of view and learn skills to move the buying process forward.

Who should attend?

Professionals in the field of sales, sales managers, sales leaders, people who are actively involved in selling and people from similar roles.

Participants can claim Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for CSP with the Financial Planning Association of Australia and the National Insurance Brokers Association.

Fee and Important dates

Programme Date: 14-15 November | Sydney

Programme Fee: $1,525 + GST

For quick registration and bulk discounts
          call: +61 2 9232 4124

-Enrolments open only until seats last.
-Payment to be made on or before specified dates.

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