A Human Performance Improvement Approach to Sales Effectiveness
High-performing sales organizations have long used well-targeted training to close skill or knowledge gaps critical to their sales force effectiveness, and there have been several studies showing the impact of salesperson training on sales performance. There is also a strong belief that salesperson training alone is not as effective as training combined with changes in the work processes and management of salespeople. 詳しくはこちらへ
Are Your Next-Gen Leaders on Track? Survey Conducted by Wilson Learning Worldwide for Training Magazine
For the second year, Training magazine and Wilson Learning teamed up to conduct a leadership development survey. More than 500 respondents shared their insights for effective leadership. Discover specific key actions your organization can implement to prepare the next generation of leaders. 詳しくはこちらへ
Determining the Consultant Skills Required of Salespeople
In many industries, it is a given that salespeople need business consultant skills to be effective. However, little has been done to try to define the level of consultant skills required. Some consider strategic-level discovery skills the definition of consultant skill. For others, understanding core operational strategy is required and, for others, the ability to conduct an executive-level sales call is the heart of being a consultative salesperson. 詳しくはこちらへ
Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today: Survey Conducted by Wilson Learning Worldwide for Training Magazine
Effective leadership development is critical, especially now. We surveyed more than 500 L&D professionals about their leadership efforts for developing the next generation of leaders. Read the results of this research study conducted by Training magazine and Wilson Learning Worldwide. 詳しくはこちらへ
Enhancing Sales Performance Through Business Consulting Skills
For many organizations, salespeople need to be effective business consultants, experts who can deal with complex systems issues, and can help facilitate change in their clients' organizations. 詳しくはこちらへ
Enhancing Sales Performance Through Negotiation Skills
In today's business era, it is a given that to be effective, salespeople need to embrace the art of negotiation. However, there have been few studies that demonstrate the impact of negotiation skills development on sales performance and business results. 詳しくはこちらへ
For Increased Sales Performance: Invest in Manager Training
While the concept of training sales managers to coach to the specific skills their salespeople are learning is not new, many organizations are reluctant to make the investment. This has largely been due to the difficulty of justifying the expense. The studies reported here provide clear and convincing evidence that sales manager training produces a positive ROI. That is, the costs of sales manager training added only about 20% to the costs of sales training, but produced a 59% (59:1) ROI for the organization. 詳しくはこちらへ
Global Versatility
Upon meeting people, we make countless conclusions about what they are thinking and feeling, and make predictions about what they will do or say next. However, when interacting cross-culturally, these conclusions can often be misleading and the assumptions we make can be wrong, sometimes with drastic effect. 詳しくはこちらへ
Impact of Learning Transfer on Global Effectiveness: Enhancing Worldwide Collaboration
This study examined the impact of learning transfer activities on the effectiveness of "Global Effectiveness," a learning program designed to teach skills to effectively communicate and build cross-cultural relationships. The study compared skill usage and performance impact between two groups, one group received only skill training (training only group) and the other received the skill training plus activities designed to support the transfer of learning to job performance (training plus transfer group). 詳しくはこちらへ
Impact of Manager Coaching on Learning Transfer
We reviewed literature from the past several years in search of rigorous studies that compared the impact of training seminars alone to training plus different forms of manager coaching. Overall, we found that if organizations fully prepared their managers by providing them with (a) the same training that their employees received and (b) training in an effective coaching process, the organization could increase the effectiveness of their learning transfer by more than 40%. 詳しくはこちらへ