Is There a Crisis of Leadership | Leadership Development | Wilson Learning Worldwide


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Is There a Crisis of Leadership?

Developing Well-Equipped Leaders (29 de julio de 2020)

Is There a Crisis of Leadership? Developing Well-Equipped Leaders
“A typical crisis plays out . . .”

Crises are not new to our world, to our countries, or to our organizations. Real-world crises produce rapidly changing conditions and upheavals that leaders need to respond to, recover from, and thrive in for future organizational success.

An unsettling statistic from Gartner’s early 2019 survey reveals that half of organizational leaders say they aren’t well equipped to lead their organizations in the future. Put another way, with the future certain to hold some kind of change or tumult, 50% of leaders feel ill equipped to handle it.

Are we facing a situation in which we have a critical mass of current and next-generation leaders who are not well equipped to lead organizations in the future? If that is true, might the next crisis we face be a crisis of leadership?

This prompts the question:

What qualifies as a leader who is well equipped for an uncertain future?

Consciously Competent Leaders

At Wilson Learning, our view of a well-equipped leader is someone who possesses both clarity (the “know how to” of essential leadership skills) and grounding (the “know why” of the skills’ importance and impact). Those well equipped with clarity and grounding are leaders who are Consciously Competent—they are good leaders, and they understand what makes them good leaders.

As conditions change, consciously competent leaders have the ability to assess the situation and adjust or adapt as needed. This heightened leadership agility and flexibility to respond to change is urgently needed in today’s environment when priorities shift and organizations must pivot to respond and recover.

Unfortunately, most leadership development efforts are geared to develop leaders only to level 3; Unconscious Competence. That is, there is a focus on teaching new leaders the skills necessary for effective leadership (clarity), but not taking that next step to ensure grounding, appreciating the “why” of leadership. As a result, leaders are effective when conditions are normal, but when there are major disruptions or crises, these leaders fail to adapt.

What is needed are new approaches to leadership development that focus on the “what” and the “why” of leadership.

Essential Leadership Capabilities

Ultimately, preparing leaders for the uncertain and ever-changing world requires development of both Leadership Character and Essential Leadership Skills.

Developing Leadership Character

Great execution of leadership skills rings hollow to both the employee and the leader if leadership character development is overlooked.

Recent research shows that high-performing organizations focus their development of leadership character on elements like integrity, empowerment of others, nurturing others’ growth and development, and empathy. These take on even greater importance when leaders are now tasked to thrive in disruption and an uncertain future.

Essential Leadership Skills

What are the leadership skills needed today for those leading forward from a new place?

Foundational leadership skills, such as coaching others, communication skills, and performance management, need to be executed in the context of current and future remote work environments. For some leaders who traditionally manage their talent with face-to-face access, these foundational skills may need refashioning to be most effectively executed. People skills, like influencing and motivating others, are a priority as the landscape of work evolves.>

If 50% of leaders say they are well equipped to lead the organization in the future, what about the other 50%? Where do your leaders land on the “Clarity” and “Grounding” axes?

Are you providing them the extra help needed to support their growth and development to become Consciously Competent leaders, well equipped to lead your organization in the future with both strong skills and leadership character?

To learn more about how to advance leadership character throughout your organization, contact Wilson Learning.

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About the Authors
Tom Roth

Tom Roth

Tom Roth es Vicepresidente de Operaciones (COO) de Wilson Learning Worldwide y Presidente de Wilson Learning Japón. Con más de 40 años de experiencia desarrollando e implementando soluciones de mejora del desempeño humano, el Sr. Roth es responsable de la dirección estratégica y el desempeño del negocio de las operaciones de Wilson Learning Worldwide. Adicionalmente, lidera los servicios de marketing global y el grupo de soluciones de I&D, que es responsable de la investigación y desarrollo de todas las soluciones y documentos de posicionamiento. El Sr. Roth apoya a los equipos de liderazgo ejecutivo a nivel global con temas relacionados con el compromiso emocional de los empleados, el desarrollo del liderazgo, alineación estratégica y transformación de negocio. Antes de asumir su rol actual, fue Presidente de los grupos de I&D global y de desarrollo de soluciones y también se desempeñó como Presidente de Wilson Learning Américas.

El Sr. Roth tiene una amplia experiencia desarrollando e implementando soluciones de mejora del desempeño humano. Es coautor del libro Desconectados: Cómo las Organizaciones Pierden su Energía y Cómo Recobrarla, coautor del libro Creando el Equipo de Alto Desempeño y ha publicado en diferentes revistas de negocio. El Sr. Roth es un orador frecuente en conferencias nacionales e internacionales y eventos de clientes, presentando una amplia variedad de temas incluyendo liderazgo, compromiso emocional de los clientes, cambio e implementación de la estrategia.

Más por Tom Roth

Michael Leimbach

Michael Leimbach

Michael Leimbach, Ph.D., es Vice Presidente de Investigación y Diseño Global de Wilson Learning Worldwide. Con más de 25 años en el campo, el Dr. Leimbach lidera la investigación y el diseño de las capacidades de diagnóstico, aprendizaje y mejora del desempeño de Wilson Learning. El Dr. Leimbach ha dirigido importantes estudios de investigación en las áreas de ventas, liderazgo y efectividad organizacional y ha desarrollado los modelos de Wilson Learning de evaluación de impacto y retorno sobre la inversión. El Dr. Leimbach se ha desempeñado como consultor de investigación para una gran variedad de organizaciones de clientes a nivel mundial, es miembro del consejo editorial de la revista profesional ADHR y tiene un papel de liderazgo en el comité técnico de la norma ISO TC232: Estándares para los proveedores de servicios de aprendizaje. El Dr. Leimbach es coautor de cuatro libros, ha publicado numerosos artículos profesionales y es un orador frecuente en conferencias nacionales e internacionales.

Más por Michael Leimbach