Creando Vitalidad en la Carrera | Wilson Learning Worldwide

Creando Vitalidad en la Carrera (Programa solo para Japón)


The program aims at helping all working personnel take responsibility for their own careers and to continuously reinvent their jobs in order to bring more energy and value to the workplace. Employees who are personally fulfilled in their jobs are more effective, more fully utilize their talents, and know where they can add value. Organizations benefit from helping employees learn about the new career paradigm and how to begin their own journey of career assessment and development. The program helps people add value, maximize career opportunities, and plan for the changing work environment. Creating Career Vitality is a process and a series of tools to help individuals discover their talents, define their purpose, and learn about the work environment that will support their purpose and talents. Once these are identified, they will develop their career direction by creating a vision and defining the goals to achieve the vision.


As a result of completing in this program, participants will be able to:

  • Better understand the continually changing work environment.
  • Use personal strategies to manage their career.
  • Articulate their vision of their career and the steps needed to achieve their vision.
  • View organizational changes as opportunities, not threats.
  • Manage their own feelings, motivations, and quality of work life.
  • Promote career resilience in these ever-changing times.
  • One day session
  • Participant Guide
  • Talent Self Assessment tool
  • Career Vitality Map
  • Interactive and reflective exercises

The Creating Career Vitality tools and process help participants take charge of their career by focusing on six key areas for developing career management capabilities:

Utilizing a Career Profile
What is my career vitality? Participants use a career profile to understand where they are today in their career, interests, and talents.

Understanding Motivated Talents
What are my strengths? Participants gain a clear picture of what they and others view as their most valued talents. They also learn how to use their talents for increasing their personal fulfillment on the job.

Discovering Purpose
What are my passions? Participants gain a new sense of meaning and direction by clarifying their purpose and creating a work environment that supports it.

Defining Work Values
What is my preferred environment? Participants examine what is important to them in a work environment.

Creating a Career Vision
What is my direction? Participants create a career vision based on the learning they have gained by completing the career profile and defining their values, talents, and purpose.

Taking Action Steps
What are my work choices? Participants document their career plans and outcomes, which helps them keep on track of achieving their vision.

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