We Support The Global Compact | Wilson Learning Worldwide

Global Compact

We Support The Global Compact For the United Nations Global Compact (GC) to achieve sustainable growth, it needs voluntary initiatives that aim to create a global framework. Participating organizations, responsible, good members of society, work for protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor practices, protection of the environment, and towards the basic 10 principles related to the prevention of corruption. This requires organizations to exert creative leadership.

GC 1999, was founded in 2000 at the call of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the World Economic Forum (Davos meeting). Currently, a variety of companies, local governments, and organizations have participated from 145 countries around the world.

We participate in the United Nations Global Compact as proposed March 18, 2010. By participating in the Global Compact our goal is the realization of a better society in the future; we will continue to strive to further, corporate social responsibility initiatives.