How do your leadership development efforts stack up? | Research Report | Wilson Learning Worldwide

Are Your Next-Gen Leaders on Track?

Survey Conducted by Wilson Learning Worldwide for Training Magazine

This year, the youngest of the Baby Boomer leaders will turn 61, and simple demographics assures that the need to replace the exodus of these aging leaders will accelerate rapidly over the next four to six years.

But are organizations doing enough? Are current leadership development practices setting organizations up for a successful transition?

Studies by McKinsey & Company and J.P. Donlon have found a close correlation between the skills of a company’s leaders and market performance. However, research by Deloitte and the U.S. Federal Reserve show that return on assets (ROA) and productivity growth—both key measures of leadership success—have shown a steady decline since the 1960s. The data does not look good for the strength of our leadership capabilities.

Clearly, effective leadership is critical to success, and development of the next generation of leaders is at a critical stage. Now is the time to take stock of where you are and what you need to do to effectively prepare the next generation of leaders . . .

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 Cultivating Tomorrow's Leaders: 5 Questions Every New Leader Must Address
 Developing Great Leaders: Integrating Leadership Character and Skills (Point of View Paper)
 Solving Your Leadership Gap: Tips for Developing New Leaders
Michael Leimbach

Michael Leimbach

Michael Leimbach博士,担任Wilson Learning全球研究和设计副总裁。Leimbach博士拥有超过25年的专业经验,带领团队进行诊断、学习和绩效提升等方面的研究和设计。他曾带领研究销售、领导力和组织有效性;并制定了Wilson Learning的影响力评估和投资回报模型。Leimbach博士曾为多家全球公司担任研究顾问,曾在ADHR专业杂志担任主辑,并曾在ISO技术委员会TC232担任领导角色 — 制定学习服务供应商的标准。他有四本合著书籍并发表了大量的专业文章,也经常在美国和全球会议中发表演讲。

阅读更多, Michael Leimbach

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